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The Particulars of Organisation (Ministry of Steel), Functions and Duties


Functions Of Sections/Desks/Wings/Cells In The Ministry Of Steel

Administration General Division 

  • General Office Administration and Housekeeping;
  • Protocol matters;
  • Procurement/maintenance of office equipment;
  • Departmental Security;
  • Medical Reimbursement Claims;
  • Issue of various items of official needs to thesection/officers/officials of the Ministry;
  • Swachh Bharat Plan (SAP);
  • Disaster Management;
  • Implementation of procurement through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) by the Ministry/CPSEs;
  • RTI / CPGRAM / e-Samiksha / VIP references / PMO references /Parliament Questions / Court Cases / Annual Report / Induction Material etc. related to above subjects.

 Board Level Appointments Cell 

  • All Board Level Appointments-Function/Government/Independent (including CMDs/MDs/Directors) of all CPSEs of the Ministry.
  • Administrative matters viz. leave, pay fixation etc. of the above-Board Level officers.

 Bird Group of Companies (EIL, OMDC and BSLC)

  • All matters relating to EIL, OMDC & BSLC, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments).
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above. 

Budget Section 

 Budgetary matters which include preparation and finalization of:

  • Budgetary matters which include preparation and finalization of:
  • Finalization/review of IEBR/CAPEX of Steel PSUs
  • Preparation of Statement of Budget Estimates
  • Supplementary Demands for Grants
  • Re-appropriation of funds and surrender of funds
  • Compilation and laying of Output-Outcome Budget (OOMF) in the Parliament
  • Preparation and laying of Detailed Demands for Grants in the Parliament
  • Examination of Demands for Grants by Standing Committee on Coal and Steel related to the Budget Section
  • Cash management/review of pace of expenditure

Capacity Building

  • Enhancing the capacity of Civil Servants by building their behavioural, domain and functional competencies through both offline/online training courses/immersions programmes.
  • To Roll out and implement Capacity Building Plan
  • Coordination with Capacity Building Commission
  • Monitoring progress of Ministry’s Capacity Building

Coordination Section 

  • Matters involving general coordination with CPSEs (other than substantive subjects allocated to other Divisions).
  • Comments on the Draft Cabinet Notes / CoS Notes / Bills received from other Ministries (other than substantive subjects allocated to other Divisions).
  • Preparation of Annual Report of the Ministry of Steel.
  • Monitoring of Central Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS).
  • Preparation of Induction Material.
  • Material for President’s Address to Parliament.
  • Finalization and Updation of the Citizens’/Clients’ Charter of the Ministry.
  • Circulation of general guidelines/orders/instructions issued by DPE and other line Ministries, concerning Central Public Sector Enterprises.
  • PMO references/ Cabinet Secretariat references requiring general coordination.
  • Senior Officers meeting by Secretary (Steel).
  • Matters relating to Zonal Council Secretariat and Centre-State relations.
  • Monitoring of Updation of e-Samiksha Portal
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, Assurances, RTI, relating to the above. 

 Control Cell 

  • Reporting of Matters relating to accidents and emergency situations of the CPSEs under the Ministry of Steel to the concerned project Division/Wing.

Economic Division

  • Monthly DO letter from Secretary (Steel) to the Cabinet Secretary
  • Monthly Summary of major achievement to apprise Members of Council of Ministers, All Secretaries to the Government of India, Vice Chairman and members of NITI Aayog, etc
  • Monthly Report to Cabinet Secretary
  • Examining issues related to procurement of coking coal under Long Term Agreement (LTA).
  • Providing inputs on and analysis of development in steel sector for incorporation in Economic Survey.
  • Preparation of a Monthly Overview of Indian Economy with Particular relevance to the Steel Sector on various economic indicators for Hon’ble Steel Minister
  • Preparation and Uploading of an Overview of Steel Sector
  • Other tasks assigned by Secretary (Steel) such as analysis of the Physical and Financial performances of CPSEs of Ministry of Steel, etc. 
  • Provide Comments on Whole Sale Price Index(WPI) to the Office of Economic Advisor, DPIIT, M/o Commerce and Industry
  • Provides inputs for Annual Report of Ministry of Steel.
  • Any other work assigned from time to time.

Establishment Division

  • Service-related matters like appointment, joining, confirmation, training, posting, transfer, DPC, promotion, leave, relieving, resignation, departmental/disciplinary enquiry, maintenance of Service Book, maintenance of e-HRMS / Probity / AVMS / SPARROW / Bhavishya portal, pay fixation, increment, MACP, pension, GPF, CGEGIS, NPS, grant of all type of advances (HBA/computer etc.), LTC, travelling allowance, Children Education Allowances, honorarium, intimation/permission under conduct rules, NOC for passport, APAR, attendance monitoring, recruitment rules, vacancy circular / advertisement, correspondence relating to fill-up the post, compassionate appointment.
  • O&M/IWSU matters such as implementation of the provisions of the Manual of Office Procedure, Annual Inspection of the Divisions/Sections, preparation of Record Retention Schedule, Channel of Submission, Delegation of Financial Power;
  • Internal Complaint Committee;
  • Pension related matter of O/o DCIS;
  • Reservation Cell- Matters relating to reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD in respect of the Ministry;
  • RTI / CPGRAM / e-Samiksha / VIP references / PMO References / Parliament Questions / Court Cases / Annual Report /Induction Material etc. related to above subjects. 

Finance Division 

  • Examination and concurrence of all financial proposals of the Ministry
  • Monthly D.O. being sent to Department of Expenditure
  • Monitoring of Digital Transactions of Ministry as well as of CPSEs
  • Review of Government Guarantee taken by Steel CPSEs
  • Examination and concurrence of foreign visit proposals
  • Examination and concurrence for exemption in booking of air tickets through other than Authorized Travel Agents (ATAs).

Gatishakti Division

  • Gatishakti division deals with the issues of logistics needs for iron & steel sectors, coordination with DPIIT, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, PSUs of Ministry of Steel and other stakeholders regarding issues of logistics, slurry pipelines, PM Gatishakti National Master Plan, Sectoral Plan for Efficient Logistics (SPEL) etc. 

Green Steel Transition Cell (GSTC) 

  • Green financing, tapping multilateral institutions for funding of the green transition.
  • Mobilization of funding for industrial scale R & D and demonstration projects through the consortium mode.
  • Creation of tools for easy carbon accounting and monitoring.
  • Multi-pronged approach for de-carbonisation for development of technology and capital equipment for green steel making.
  • Comprehensive approach towards creation of a holistic eco-system for decarbonisation of the steel making. 

HR-PSU Information Cell 

  • Coordination with DPE for common HR issues relating to CPSEs under Ministry of Steel (Specific HR issues of CPSEs are being dealt in respective project Division).

IEC Division 

  • Matters pertaining to the invitation for participation/support of Ministry of Steel in the various seminars/events/conferences organized by the Industry & Trade Associations on promotion of steel sector to disseminate the policy initiatives of Ministry and getting feedback of industries. 
  • Participation in Annual India International Trade Fair (IITF) along with CPSEs and private steel sector companies to disseminate policy initiatives of Ministry and to showcase achievements of Indian steel sector.  
  • Organizing India Steel biennial International Exhibition & Conference on Steel sector to attract investments in steel sector in India and to promote export of quality steel products from India. 
  • Implementation of Made in India Branding of steel products by the steel industry. 

Industrial Development -1 (ID-1) Division 

  • National Steel Policy
  • DMI&SP Policy
  • Coordination with DPIIT in respect of registration of companies in terms of Department of Expenditure Order (Public Procurement No. 1) issued vide No. F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July, 2020 under Rule 144 (xi) GFR, 2017-
  • Matters relating to growth & development of pig iron industry, steel providing industry, steel processing industry etc.
  • Parliament Questions/Assurances related to ID-1 division.
  • VIP references, PMO references etc. related to Industrial Development Division.
  • RTI cases & appeals, Court cases, CPGRAMS, Audit para and observations relating to ID-1 Division.
  • Material for Annual Report in respect of Private Steel Sector companies.
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the Iron and Steel Sector and updating & monitoring information on the Foreign Investment Facilitation Portal (FIFP).
  • Providing inputs regarding domestic manufacturing capabilities of the various steel products to GTE Cell, Cabinet Secretariat.
  • Issues relating to SSI (other than substantive subjects allocated to other Divisions).
  • Issues related to National Capital Goods Policy in coordination with Ministry of Heavy Industries.

ID-2 (Climate and Environment) Division

  • Matters regarding Climate Change, including GHG Emissions.
  • Green Steel
  • Mission Green Steel
  • Green Hydrogen, CCUS
  • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency (BEE)
  • Use of Plastics in Steel
  • Green Labelling (Eco mark)
  • Pilot Projects in Green Steel, Centre for Excellence for green steel
  • Collaboration with domestic /global organizations/Institutes working on green steel.
  • Coordination with concerned Ministries like MNRE, MoP, MoEF&CC, NITI Aayog etc.
  • Financing for Green Steel and auditing
  • Green Procurement Policy
  • Carbon emission, carbon trading policies, other policies related to green steel etc.
  • Energy & Environment Management.
  • Matters related to Conference of Parties (CoP) sessions.
  • Parliament Questions, Assurance, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report, Induction Material, Audit Para, eSamiksha etc. - if any, material relating to the above.

International Cooperation Division (International Cooperation Cell)  

  • Green field Investment Projects from overseas including those relating to South Korea and Japan
  • Coordination of matters pertaining to Joint Ventures (JVs), MOUs/ Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation received from all Ministries/Departments of Government of India 
  • Matters pertaining to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Participation and follow up action with the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity (GFSEC) 
  • Audit Para concerning International Cooperation
  • Parliament Questions, PMO References, VIP references, RTI, Court Cases related to International Cooperation
  • Inputs/material for preparation of Annual Reports in respect of International Cooperation

IT & e-Gov Division

  • IT related matters such as dashboard, website, social media, e-office etc for which technical support is provided by NIC.

KIOCL Division 

  • All matter relating to KIOCL, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above.

Legal Cell

  • Monitoring of Court Cases through Legal Information Management Briefing Systems (LIMBS) which was introduced by Department of Legal Affairs with an aim to digitalize entire process of Court Cases.
  • Forwarding of Court Cases to concerned division under Ministry of Steel and its PSUs for appropriate action and its compilation & further necessary action as and when required.
  • Organizing of training related to LIMBS portal in consultation with Ministry of Law & Justice to ensure LIMBS is implemented by all organizations under Ministry of Steel.
  • Maintaining records of Government Counsels for Ministry of Steel & Legal Counsels related to legal matters and assisting the Divisions in their regard.
  • Liaisoning with Ministry of Law and Justice whenever required.
  • Any other miscellaneous issues on legal matters pertaining to M/o Steel. 


  • All matters relating to acquisition of books, manuals, newspapers, journals, other reference books and maintaining catalogues etc.

MECON Division 

  • All matter relating to MECON Ltd., Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • All Coordination of “Mygov” E-Samiksha and references from PMO etc. in respect of MECON Division
  • All CPGRAMs and Public grievances petitions related to MECON Ltd.
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report, MoU and other material relating to the above.

MF Division 

  • All matters relating to MSTC& FSNL, Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above
  • Matters pertaining to Steel Scrap Recycling Policy

MOIL Division 

  • All matter relating to MOIL, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above

NMDC Division 

  • Matters relating to NMDC Ltd. and NMDC Steel Ltd. (NSL), Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above


  • Implementation of Annual Programme issued by Department of OL, Ministry of Home Affairs for implementation of OL Policy of the Union.
  • Progressive Use of Hindi
  • Official Language Implementation Committee:
  • Hindi Salahkar Samiti:
  • Central official language implementation committee:
  • Hindi Workshop/Seminar:
  • Hindi Divas/Hindi Fortnight:
  • Incentive Scheme for Original Work in Hindi:
  • Meetings of Monitoring Committee for Official Language Implementation in PSUs
  • Official Language Inspections by the Officers of the Ministry/ Parliamentary Committee on Official Language
  • IspatRajbhasha Shields/Trophies

Parliament Cell

  • All Parliamentary matters relating to Ministry of Steel including Meetings of the Consultative Committee and Standing Committee; Visits of Parliamentary Committees/Study Group to PSUs/Projects under the Ministry of Steel 

 Pay & Accounts Office 

  • Secretary, Ministry of Steel is the Chief Accounting Authority. The Chief Controller of Accounts is the head of the Accounting Organization. The accounting organization comprises the Principal cum Pay & Accounts Office, Internal Audit Wing. The Pay and Accounts Office discharges its responsibilities with reference to finance and budget management, payment control and accounts including finalization and authorization of pensionary benefits to retiring/retired officials.

Project Management Cell (PMC) 

  • Monitoring the progress of all on-going and under tendering projects for examining the time and cost overrun of the projects.
  • Analysis of the delays, if any, after duly examining the progress.
  • Coordinating meetings of project heads of CPSEs in the Ministry to review the progress and to suggest corrective actions for containing the delays and any intervention required from the Ministry to expedite the progress.
  • Attending to references received from the Cabinet Secretariat and Prime Minister’s Office for monitoring of projects.
  • Coordinates with Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) for issues pertaining with the Online Computerised Monitoring System (OCMS).
  • Monitoring and coordinating issues related to Projects being monitored in PRAGATI Portal under PMO.
  • Monitoring and facilitating resolution of issues relating to National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) Projects under Department of Economics Affairs of Ministry of Finance.
  • Monitoring and coordinating issues related to PMG (Project Monitoring Group) Portal under Cabinet Secretariat. 

Raw Material Division 

  • Advice to Ministry of Mines on Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 and the rules derived from it.
  • Advice to Ministry of Coal on Allocation of Coal Blocks to Steel CPSEs and coal linkages to steel units/sponge units.
  • Policy matter related to major raw material (viz. Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Manganese, Dolomite, Limestone, chrome) used in steel making.
  • Policy matter related to Ferro Alloys (viz. Ferro Chrome, Ferro Molybdenum, etc.).
  • Supply of Natural Gas to Steel Units.
  • Procurement of Coking Coal abroad.
  • Mining events abroad related to steel sector.
  • Policy matters related to critical minerals and strategic minerals (viz. Beryllium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Gallium, Indium, Rhenium, Selenium, Tantalum, Tellurium, Titanium, Tungsten and Vanadium), rare earth elements and Lithium.
  • Central Geological Programming Board (CGPB) & Geological Survey of India (GSI) Meetings.
  • Environment Clearance (EC), Forest Clearance (FC) & Wildlife Clearance (WC) issues of CPSEs related to Mining Leases– Policy issues raised in ICMC Meetings and regional issues raised in FRCM meetings.
  • Logistics matters related to Ministry of Shipping and Inland Waterways.
  • Laying of Slurry Pipelines under Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of User in Land) Act 1962.
  • Proposals of CPSEs for seeking approval of Ministry of Steel for NOC from Ministry of Shipping for import of coal on CIF basis.
  • Scheme of Ministry of Ports Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) for promotion of flagging of merchant ships in India by providing subsidy support to Indian Shipping Companies in global tenders floated by CPSEs -Increasing the tonnage capacity of the country and updating of OOMF dashboard.
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Hon’ble Supreme Court cases regarding Iron Ore and Coal related matters, PMO references, Annual Report, etc. and material relating to the above.

Record Room, Receipts &Dispatch 

  • Record, Receipt & Dispatch

RINL Division  

  • All matters relating to RINL, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments).
  • Review of Physical and financial performance of RINL, Finalization of MoU, Performance evaluation of MoU, Review of projects of RINL, Settlement of Draft/ Audit Paras, Parliament Questions and Parliamentary Standing Committees, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Reports etc.
  • All matters relating to EIL, OMDC & BSLC, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments).

RTI Section 

  • Receiving and forwarding of RTI applications of applicants online & offline to concerned Section/Organization and monitoring the same till its disposal. Appointing CPIOs & Appellate Authorities for timely disposal of RTI Matters.

 SAIL Division

  • All matters relating to SAIL, Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Steel (except Board Level Appointments)
  • Matters relating to commercial, infrastructure, projects
  • Modernization and expansion
  • Matters pertaining to ICVL
  • Land, Mining leases, Environment forest / etc., clearance / renewal etc.
  • Audit, budget
  • Safety, CSR
  • Court Cases
  • E-Samiksha
  • Monitoring of Techno-economic parameters
  • Facilitation of allotment, operationalisation& production from captive mines.
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above.

Skill Development Division

  • Follow-up on skill related recommendations of the Task Force for "Skill Development" towards Decarbonisation of steel sector
  • Conducting Skill Gap Survey across the Indian iron and steel sector
  • Providing feedback in respect of Qualification Packs developed by IISSSC for Steel industry

Statistics Division 

  • Work related with statistical data/research and Data Governance Quality Index exercise implemented by the NITI Aayog
  • Work related to invoking/implementation/monitoring of Collection of Statistics Act 2008 w.r.t. the Ministry of Steel.
  • Planning a survey for estimating Skill Demand (with a focus on Green Steel) in the country.
  • Updation/maintenance of Geospatial Map of the Indian Steel Factories under PM Gati Shakti NMP in collaboration with DPIIT.

Steel Development(Institutes) Division

  • Matters related to National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology (NISST) , Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute (BPNSI) and Institute for Steel Development and Growth (INSDAG)
  • Matters related to Joint Plant Committee (JPC) and Steel Development Fund (SDF).

Matters related to Steel Consumers’ Council.

NIC - Steel Informatics Division

  • Providing technical advisory and support on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enablement in the Ministry.
  • Maintenance and up gradation of Content Management Framework(CMF) based Responsive Bilingual website of Ministry of Steel(
  • Development and implementation of services and portals namely Analytical Dashboard, TC-QCO Portal, Task Management System, Awards Portal, R&D Portal, Vigilance Portal and Intranet Portal.
  • PRAYAS Dashboard - KPIs Integration
  • Operating and maintaining Local Area Network (LAN) of 295 nodes with Gigabit backbone enabled with Wi-Fi services.
  • Providing Video Conferencing (VC) services for conducting meetings over VC.
  • Implementation of e-Office in the Ministry
  • Capacity building in the area of Information Technology and Cyber security.
  • Cyber security measures

Technical Division 

  • Technical evaluation / disposal of some specific work of technical nature besides rendering technical advice on all matters falling under the purview of Ministry of Steel.
    • Research & Development scheme
    • Guidelines for Safety in Iron & Steel Sector
    • Standardization & Quality Control orders
    • National Metallurgist Awards
    • Co-ordination with all Ministries/Departments on Technical Matters
  • Matter related to hydrogen pilot projects under National Green Hydrogen Mission of MNRE. 

 Advisory Functions:Rendering Technical Advice on all matters relating to: 

  • Planning & Development (National Steel Policy/ Working Group etc)
  • Raw Material for iron & Steel production
  • Export Promotion through Duty Free Import for export production (EPCG)
  • WTO/TBT Matters
  • Techno-Economic Efficiency parameters
  • Shipbreaking Scrap Matters
  • Certifying essentiality of imports of capital goods under Export Promotion Capital goods Scheme for project import.
  • Miscellaneous Functions: Work related to Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report, Standing Committee & Consultative Committee, NITI Aayog etc.
  • Active Participation for portal development of SIMS 2.0

Trade and Taxation Division (TTD)

  • Policy matters pertaining to international trade, steel market and domestic trade/prices for steel items (Chapter-72).
  • Coordination with Department of Commerce on issues related to Trade Remedial Measures in steel sector (Chapter-72) like Anti-dumping Duty, Countervailing Duty, Restrictive Quota etc.
  • Coordination with Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR).
  • Protecting interests of domestic steel industry by taking up issues of international trade disputes in steel sector and issues related to initiation of various safeguard measures by other countries
  • PLI scheme for Specialty Steel
  • Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS).
  • Budget Proposals, Matters related to changes in duty structure on steel products (Chapter-72) and related issues like prices of steel items (Chapter-72).
  • Parliament Questions, VIP references, CPGRAMS, RTI, Court Cases, PMO references, Annual Report etc. material relating to the above. 

 Vigilance Section 

  • Monitoring of Sensitive Posts and rotations thereon in CPSEs.
  • Scrutiny of complaints and initiation of appropriate investigation measures and follow-up thereon.
  • Furnishing comments of the Ministry to the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) on the investigation reports of the CVOs of Steel CPSEs/Central Bureau of Investigation
  • Appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in the Steel CPSEs in consultation with Central Vigilance Commission and Department of Personnel & Training.
  • Meetings/Conclave on vigilance matters with the CVOs of Steel CPSEs.
  • Examination of complaints having vigilance angle against the Board level/officers of the Steel CPSEs and officers in the Ministry for appropriate action
  • Maintenance of immovable Property Returns of Officers and Staff working in this Ministry
  • Maintenance of APARs of the CVOs of Steel CPSEs.
  • Returns/Reports on vigilance matters to CVC and DoPT
  • Vigilance Awareness Week.