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Public Sector Units

SL. No. PSU Name URL Details
1 Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) Download (135.76 KB) pdf
2 Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) Download (1.08 MB) pdf
3 NMDC Ltd Download (401.49 KB) pdf
4 MECON Ltd Download (205.41 KB) pdf
5 MOIL Ltd Download (188.84 KB) pdf
6 KIOCL Limited Download (125.51 KB) pdf
7 MSTC Limited Download (149.35 KB) pdf
8 Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd.(FSNL) Download (228.79 KB) pdf
9 Bird Group of Companies Download (561.76 KB) pdf
10 Other Organisations/ Institutes/ Special Purpose Vehicle