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Boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice

Statements of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advised and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

  1. Joint Plant Committee (JPC)
  2. Steel Development Fund (SDF)
  3. Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute (BPNSI)
  4. National Steel Institute of Secondary Steel Technology (NISST)
  5. Institute for Steel Development and Growth (INSDAG)
  6. Steel Consumers’ Council (SCC)
  1. Joint Plant Committee:-The Joint Plant Committee (JPC) was set up in 1964 for taking over the functions of Iron Steel Controller in regard to planning and distribution of indents and rolling programmes. The role of JPC was revised through a Notification issued in 1971. The Joint Secretary (Steel) is the Chairman of JPC. The JPC has representatives from SAIL, TSL, RINL and from Ministry of Railways as its Members. The JPC has four regional offices located at Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai and headquarter at Kolkata.

    Post decontrol and liberalization, the initial functions of JPC have been discontinued vide Gazette Notification dated 18.08.2008 and since then JPC has been entrusted with the task of collection and analysis of data related to steel sector. Recently, a Notification dated 19.06.2024 has been issued by the Ministry under the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008, thereby invoking the provisions of the Act in Iron and Steel Sector. In terms of the said Notification, JPC has been designated as the ‘primary agency’ to collect statistics relating to iron and steel sector. JPC also worked on measures aimed at promoting usage/ consumption of steel through promotional work conducting studies, surveys, organizing seminars, conferences and sector specific studies. Further, JPC acts as the custodian of the Steel Development Fund. The entire establishment expenditure of the JPC and the support to the other Institutions such as BPNSI, NISST, and INSDAG is met from the interest proceeds of the fund available under JPC General Account Fund.

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  2. SDF Managing Committee The JPC acts as the Custodian of the Steel Development Fund. The Steel Development Fund is managed by a Managing Committee, the composition of which is as under





    Secretary (Steel)



    Secretary (Expenditure)



    CEO (Niti Ayog)



    Additional/Joint Secretary, MoS & Chairperson, JPC


  3. III. Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute (BPNSI)

    BPNSI has been established with the objective to be a Centre of Excellence that will provide technology, service and trained manpower to the Indian Steel Industry. The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and started functioning from January 1, 2002. The Cabinet had on February 20, 2004 approved the setting up of the permanent campus of BPNSI at Puri, Odisha, as a full-fledged Institute with capital funding from JPC.

    BPNSI was initially functioning at Puri. In March 2021, the Institute shifted to a location of relevance to the steel sector, viz Kalinganagar (Jajpur) Odisha, projected to be a prominent steel hub of the nation in the coming years. The Institute, currently in turnaround phase, has started its office at Ispat Bhawan, SAIL, Bhubaneswar w.e.f 28th June 2023. Presently, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India, is the Chairman of the Institute.

    The Institute has started its activities with renewed vigour, by undertaking various short term skilling programs and pre-curser workshops.The Institute will be offering skilling, re-skilling and upskilling programmes, techno-management courses, besides courses on iron & steel manufacturing and plant management. The Institute will also be offering consultancy services in technical areas, and plans to engage in relevant emerging areas of decarbonization and green steel, in line with changing global trends. 

    For further details kindly visit

    IV. National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology (NISST)

    NISST was set up as a registered society on 18th August, 1987 to provide trained technical manpower, industrial services, testing facilities, consultancy services for energy efficiency and reducing pollution levels, a platform for interaction between industry and educational/research institutions and other services to the secondary steel sector. Presently, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India, is the Chairman of the Institute.

    Key activities of NISST include:

  • Industrial Consultancy, Training and Skill Development.
  • Energy Audits (Accreditation from Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, GOI).
  • Safety Inspection (Competent persons for safety inspection from Government of Punjab and UT of Daman & Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli for safety Inspections).
  • Testing Laboratories (NABL Accredited & BIS recognised Mechanical & Chemical Labs).
  • Third Party Transparency Audit of proactive disclosure package under Right to Information Act 2005

NISST is working jointly with Secondary Steel Sector for undertaking cluster development programme in Iron & Steel Sector. NISST focuses its activities and efforts keeping in view the National Steel Policy.

For further details kindly visit

V. Institute for Steel Development and Growth


The initiative for setting up of Institute for Steel Development and Growth (INSDAG) emanated from the steel producers and the Institute was registered as a Society on 26th August, 1996. The headquarter of INSDAG is at Kolkata.

INSDAG is providing technical services on use and application of steel to both member and non-members including students throughout the year. The member base comprises architects, designers, consultants, fabricators, academician and students. INSDAG has been continuously conducting training Programme throughout the country for professional development and competence.

INSDAG has been conducting two national level Student Competitions since last 20 years – one for civil / structural engineering students and another for architectural students. INSDAG is playing very active role towards formulation and revision of various codes & standards under Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), Indian Road Congress (IRC) etc. related to structural steel developments and usages

  • VI. Steel Consumers’ Council:

    The Steel Consumers’ Council was constituted in 1986 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Steel & Mines, consisting of representatives of the Government, Producers and Consumers of Iron & Steel, house builders and related industries. The tenure of the Council was initially fixed for two years, which has been extended from time to time.The initial tenure of the SCC will be two years from the date of this Resolution unless specifically extended or curtailed by the Central Government. The SCC shall meet as and when required, as per directions of Hon’ble Steel Minister.

    The objective of the Council is to advise and assist the Central Government on matters relating to supply, availability, quality and the market trends of iron and steel. Post deregulation and liberalization of the steel sector, the Government is not required to control prices of steel and there is no dearth of iron and steel in the country. The meetings of the Council serve as a forum for interaction among the various steel producers, associations and users etc. The meetings of the Steel Consumers’ Council are also a source of instant feedback on the proposed policy changes being contemplated by the Government. The Steel Consumers' Council has not yet been reconstituted.